
Lisa Tiedt

Lisa (she/her) is a certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC) and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) through the International Institute for Building Biology® & Ecology. She holds graduate certificates in Computer Engineering and Business Administration from the University of Washington in Seattle. Lisa is also certified in Level I and Level II live blood analysis by dark-field microscopy with the Beaumont Academy in the Netherlands and Applied Nutrition Microscopy by the Edison Institue of Nutrition in Canada. She also authored the chapter on how to build or remodel with low electromagnetic radiation in the #1 Amazon best-selling book Prescriptions for a Healthy House, 4th edition. She lives with her family in Grand Rapids, MI.

In 2016, Lisa left a successful career as a digital marketing executive to explore the world of functional medicine in the hopes of understanding the multiple illnesses she faced. Chronic autoimmune conditions, Lyme, co-infections, chemical sensitivities, food allergies, infertility, mold toxicity, and cancer were a complex and interconnected set of symptoms that demanded a holistic approach. After years of doctor visits, it wasn’t until she also started turning her home and sleeping spaces into healing sanctuaries that she started to see meaningful health improvements. Once she understood the extent to which her environment was contributing to her illnesses, Lisa became a Building Biologist to help her family and others.

Through the International Institute for Building Biology® & Ecology, she studied scientific, data-driven methods for assessing and remediating built spaces that allow humans and the surrounding environment they live in to be in balance and achieve wellness. Lisa is passionate about implementing the Principles of Building Biology® to help others create healthy living spaces in a way that works best for your family, values, and budget.